Tuesday, March 14, 2006

~ I'm Back! - sort off!!!~

....well for those of you who read here - have you been think I didn't make it back from OS! or I had given up on the whole blogging thing?? - if you chose the latter then you were almost correct. I wasn't sure if I should keep blogging or not - I know only a few people read my blog and I was thinking of giving it all away - 'cos what's a blog if no-one reads it.........then I got to thinking the blog isn't all about the readers it has a lot to do with the writer. We all have those moments when we just need to write something down in words to get it out of our systems or we just need to tell someone about those little events as they happen. I'm sure you know what I mean - we all have those moments dont' we - when we feel like we will burst if we don't get it out..........so if you have managed to read or at least understand that waffle - you now know I'm back!!


Blogger Veronica said...

Thanks goodness!! I thought you'd abandonded your poor blog....gald to see you back :)

8:28 AM  
Blogger Aussie Wendy said...

Glad you're back. I love to write down all those little things that are itching to get out of me. And if people want to read them, well hey why not!

9:11 PM  

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